
    s-23 sarm

    Dragon Pharma S-23 SARM (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator) is an investigational research drug developed by GTx Inc for the treatment of muscle wasting due to age-related conditions, HIV/AIDS, and other medical issues. It works by selectively activating the androgen receptor in certain tissues, such as skeletal muscles.

    S-23 SARM has been known to increase lean body mass without causing any major side effects – something that other steroids could not do as safely. Plus, it also appears to help maintain bone density when used over a period of time. Studies have shown that this compound also increases strength and stamina without changing testosterone levels significantly or leading to water retention. Some studies have even demonstrated its potential use in counteracting metabolic diseases where weight gain can be an issue like obesity or type 2 diabetes; however, more clinical trials are needed before it can be approved for these conditions.

    The most impressive property of Dragon Pharma S23 SARM is its ability to target specific tissues rather than just affecting all hormones indiscriminately like many other drugs do. This makes it very attractive for athletes or bodybuilders looking for a way to improve their performance without risking long term health complications from steroid abuse – something that’s happening far too often today!

    Dragon Pharma S-23 SARM looks promising as a safe alternative for people who want to build muscle while avoiding the risks associated with traditional steroids and hormones therapy.
